Our School

Main Office Hours
7:45 - 3:45 p.m. Monday - Friday

Guidance Office Hours
8:00 - 4:00 p.m. Monday - Friday

Nurse's Office

The school day begins at 8:10 a.m. and ends at 2:55 p.m.

Welcome to William Penn Middle School. We are a middle school for grades sixth, seventh, and eighth graders with a population of approximately one thousand students and a very talented faculty and support staff. Our goal is to meet the educational and developmental needs of all our students. To help create smaller, more intimate learning communities, our students are placed on "Teams" with approximately 110 to 125 students and either four or five teachers for the year. William Penn is a supportive and friendly place where students can find their niche, gracefully take on daily academic challenges, get involved in activities and develop as they transition from children to young adults. Most of our students come from the four sending elementary schools within the district; Afton, Makefield, Oxford Valley and Penn Valley. Parents are encouraged to become involved in our Parent/Teacher Organization that meets monthly.

Building Access
For security purposes, all doors to the building will be locked at 8:20 am and remain locked all day. Access will only be permitted via the front door. For our students" protection, all visitors (parents, guardians, etc.) MUST check in at the main office upon entering the building.

Visitor Policy

The visitor policy of the Pennsbury School District states that students are to refrain from bringing visitors to accompany them during the school day. We cannot honor requests by students to bring friends or relatives to school.

Contact Us

Corey Turkish
[email protected]

Vincenza Maiorano-Dever
Assistant Principal
[email protected]

Janice Hendrick
Principal's Secretary
[email protected]
215-428-4280 ext. 50810

Stephanie Hartman
[email protected]
215-428-4280 ext. 50811

Candice Shore
Instructional Aide
[email protected]

Janet Brudahl
Counseling Secretary
[email protected]
215-428-4280 ext. 50850